Studies in the Terrestrial Biosphere, the Atmosphere, and Ice Cores

Starting with the work of Ben Houlton, we have collaborated with the group of Lars Hedin in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in isotope studies of terrestrial N cycling. We have also worked on the nitrate N and O isotopes in rain, snow, and ice as tracers of reactive nitrogen sources and processing in the modern and ancient atmosphere.


220 Publications
The Biological Pump in the Past
Antarctic Stratification, Atmospheric Water Vapor, and Heinrich Events: A Hypothesis for Late Pleistocene Deglaciations

We have previously argued that the Antarctic and subarctic North Pacific are stratified during ice ages, causing to a large degree the observed low CO2 levels of ice age atmospheres by sequestering respired CO2 in the ocean abyss. Here, we suggest a mechanism for the major deglaciations of the late Pleistocene. The mechanism begins with…

Nitrogen in Past Marine Environments
This chapter reviews the ongoing efforts to use sediment and ice core records to understand the dynamics of oceanic fixed nitrogen (N), focusing on recent glacial-interglacial cycles. Research has, up to this point, followed the reductionist approach of trying to reconstruct either changes in the ocean N budget (largely through low latitude…
Nitrogen Isotopes in the Ocean
This article outlines the isotope systematics of the major processes in the ocean nitrogen (N) cycle, their impact on the isotopic compositions of the major N reservoirs in the ocean, and how the N isotopes in the modern ocean and sedimentary record may record current N fluxes and past changes. The dominant dynamic is of kinetic isotope…
The Biological Pump in the Past
The ocean s biological pump refers to the coupled biological, chemical, and physical processes that work to concentrate carbon and other biologically active elements in the voluminous ocean interior, sequestering them from the surface ocean and the atmosphere. Current research seeks to understand the relationship of the ocean s biological pump…
Nitrogen isotopes in the ocean
This article outlines the isotope systematics of processes in the ocean nitrogen (N) cycle and their impact on the isotopic compositions of the major N forms, with an eye toward how the N isotopes may record current N fluxes and past changes. The dominant dynamic is of kinetic isotope discrimination, in which the light isotope of N (14N) is…
Isotopic ratiometry of nitric oxide using a dual-modulation faraday rotation spectrometer
A dual-modulation Faraday rotation spectrometer is employed for isotopic ratiometry of nitric oxide (NO) converted from nitrate/nitrite. Excellent linearity of measured NO to dissolved nitrate is demonstrated. Ratiometry of IAEA-NO-3 standards indicates 3 % accuracy. © 2014 OSA.
Isotopic ratiometry of nitric oxide using a dual-modulation faraday rotation spectrometer
A dual-modulation Faraday rotation spectrometer is employed for isotopic ratiometry of nitric oxide (NO) converted from nitrate/nitrite. Excellent linearity of measured NO to dissolved nitrate is demonstrated. Ratiometry of IAEA-NO-3 standards indicates ∼3 % accuracy. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
Analysis of nitric oxide isotopes via differential faraday rotation spectroscopy
We present real-time optical polarization subtraction for calibration of Faraday rotation spectra. Noise analysis yields minor isotope sensitivity of 3.0 ppbv·Hz-1/2 and 1.7×10-8 rad·Hz-1/2 noise-equivalent angle. Sub-permil ratiometric precision is achieved at integration times >100 s. © 2016 OSA.
Influence of ocean heat transport on the climate of the Last Glacial Maximum
A aeries of climate simulations using on atmospheric general circulation modal shows that maintaining ocean heat transport at close to present-day values, but with otherwise glacial boundary conditions, leads to an enhanced cooling, particularly in the tropics. This is in agreement with recent geochemical evidence from fossil corals, ground waters…
Natural abundance-level measurement of the nitrogen isotopic composition of oceanic nitrate: An adaptation of the ammonia diffusion method
We have adapted the ammonia diffusion method of nitrate extraction for natural-abundance level nitrogen isotopic measurement of oceanic nitrate. The method involves: (1) sample concentration (by boiling or evaporation); (2) conversion of nitrate to ammonia using Devarda s alloy; and (3) the gas-phase diffusion of ammonia onto an acidified glass…
Contribution of Southern Ocean surface-water stratification to low atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the last glacial period
The nitrogen-isotope record preserved in Southern Ocean sediments, along with several geochemical tracers for the settling fluxes of biogenic matter, reveals patterns of past nutrient supply to phytoplankton and surface-water stratification in this oceanic region. Areal averaging of these spatial patterns indicates that reduction of the CO2 leak …
Measuring 15N-NH4/+ in marine, estuarine and fresh waters: An adaptation of the ammonia diffusion method for samples with low ammonium concentrations
We present a method for measuring 15N-NH4+ in marine, estuarine and fresh waters. The advantage of this method is that it is broadly applicable to all types of water and it allows measurements in samples with lower ammonium concentrations than has previously been possible. The procedure is a modification of the ammonia diffusion method and uses…
Glacial/interglacial variations in production and nitrogen fixation in the Cariaco Basin during the last 580 kyr
The effect of sea level change on nutrient supply to the anoxic Cariaco demonstrates the fundamental importance of nitrogen (N2) fixation and phosphate to oceanic production. As N2 fixation produces biomass of low δ15N and has been reported to be an important component of the nitrogen cycle in the modern Cariaco Basin, we propose that it…
The calcite isyocline as a constraint on glacial/interglacial low-latitude production changes
We investigate the response of the calcite lysocline to changes in the export production of the low-latitude surface ocean (the combined equatorial, tropical, and subtroical regions). We employ different CaCO3 throughput schemes in a time-dependent ocean carbon cycle model to separate the CaCO3 production/iysocline balance from the other…
Deglacial changes in ocean circulation from an extended radiocarbon calibration
Temporal variations in the atmospheric concentration of radiocarbon sometimes result in radiocarbon-based age-estimates of biogenic material that do not agree with true calendar age. This problem is particularly severe beyond the limit of the high-resolution radiocarbon calibration based on tree-ring data, which stretches back only to about 11.8…
Nitrogen isotopic variations in the Gulf of California since the Last Deglaciation: Response to global climate change
High-resolution records of the nitrogen isotopic composition of organic matter (δ15Norg), opal content, and opal accumulation rates from the central Gulf of California reveal large and abrupt variations during deglaciation and gradual Holocene changes coincident with climatic changes recorded in the North Atlantic. Homogenous sediments with…
Onset of permanent stratification in the subarctic Pacific Ocean
The surface waters of the modern subarctic Pacific Ocean are isolated from the nutrient-rich waters below by a steep vertical gradient in salinity (halocline), a feature which is a dominant control on upper-ocean stratification in polar environments. The physical processes which maintain the halocline and, in turn, its physical, biological, and…
The nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry of sinking particles from the margin of the eastern North Pacific
The nitrogen isotopic composition of time-series sediment trap samples, dissolved NO3/-, and surficial sediments was determined in three regions along the margin of the eastern North Pacific: Monterey Bay, San Pedro Basin, and the Gulf of California (Carmen and Guaymas Basins). Complex physical regimes are present in all three areas, and each is…
The isotopic composition of diatom-bound nitrogen in Southern Ocean sediments
Treatment of diatom microfossils from Southern Ocean sediments with hot perchloric acid leaves a diatom-bound N fraction which is 0-4‰ lower in δ15N than the bulk sediment, typically 3‰ lower in recent Antarctic diatom ooze. Results from Southern Ocean surface sediments indicate that early diagenetic changes in bulk sediment N content and δ15N…