The CTD/hydrocast package descending into the Southern Ocean water column from the deck of the South African research icebreaker S.A. Agulhas II, sailing from Cape Town to the Antarctic winter ice edge. Photo: Preston Cosslett Kemeny ’15
Interaction with ozone transfers its anomalous (non-mass-dependent) 17O enrichment to atmospheric nitrogen oxides and nitrate. The 17O anomaly (Δ17O) in nitrate can be used to identify atmospheric nitrate inputs into terrestrial and aquatic environments as well as to study the role of ozone in the atmosphere s reactive nitrogen cycle. We report…
In order to (i) establish the biological systematics necessary to interpret nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) isotope ratios of nitrate (15N/ 14N and 18O/16O) in the environment and (ii) investigate the potential for isotopes to elucidate the mechanism of a key N cycle enzyme, we measured the nitrate N and O isotope effects ( 15ε and 18ε) for nitrate…
The concentration and 15N/14N ratio of total nitrogen (TN) were measured in precipitation samples collected at Bermuda between January and December 2000. By correcting for nitrate, analyzed previously, the concentration and δ15N of "reduced" N (RN, i.e., ammonium + organic N) were also determined. The TN precipitation flux (∼ 10-19 mmol N…
To better constrain the dynamics of the dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) pool and the role of N2 fixation in the nitrogen cycle at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site, we measured the 15N/14N ratio of total nongaseous nitrogen (TN) in the upper 250 m and of nitrate in the upper 1000 m of monthly water column profiles from June…
Experiments with two well-studied denitrifiers and one recently isolated marine suboxic zone denitrifier show that the cellular-level denitrification N isotope effect ( 15ε) is typically lower than the canonical value of ∼25‰ under many conditions prevalent in the ocean. Across all three strains, 15ε is 10-15‰ at cellular nitrate reduction…
One potential mechanism for lowering atmospheric CO2 during glacial times is an increase in the fraction of the global ocean ventilated by the North Atlantic, which produces deep water with a low concentration of unused nutrients and thus drives the ocean s biological pump to a high efficiency. However, the data indicate that during glacial…